Top Notch Prompt Response Advice

Dear VCE 'Encountering Conflict' students,

This is a space for you to practise different forms of writing and responding to set prompts. When you write a piece you will need to indicate whether you are using The Secret River or The Rugmaker to inform your writing. You also need to provide a mini statement of explanation that outlines form, audience, purpose and context.

You will also be expected to read each others' work and use the comments feature and DIIGO (a web tool useful for conferencing) to provide feedback to each other. When conferencing you can comment about what is working well in the piece, areas for improvement and how you can see the prompt and nominated text influencing the piece. Due to this you might need to edit a post you have submitted so label each edit as post 1, post 2, etc.


diigo it

Monday, August 31, 2009

Lest We Forget

We missed the war talk, given by Pam Rob and Tony, but from our own knowledge we have learnt that war can change people and the way they think, and perceive the world. My Granny’s uncle, (My Great, Great Uncle) was a prisoner on the line. My Granny told me about some of his experiences he had to go through, and how many people died from starvation and disease. They died of horrific, slow, painful deaths. It is important for the world to know about war history so that the soldiers didn’t die for nothing, and people will be able to learn from there experiences, so that the horrific events do not reoccur.

1 comment:

  1. The talk, given by Pam, Rob and Tony about their personal experiances of war helped us to understand the true colours of war. War was veiwed as a journey, adventure and as heroism. But in the real perspective it was about neither heroism or glory. It was an journey which the soldiers wish to of never experienced. Pam, Rob and Tony explained what soldiers had to endure as a prisoner of war. Day over night of starvation, exaustion waiting for the war to end. With some prisons overseas having a survival rate of 1%. Some were slightly better getting upto around 80% chance, but nothing compared to Australias survival rate of 99%. Pam, Rob and Tony made us realise the pain and experiances as bad as death and how lucky we are to be Australian.
