Top Notch Prompt Response Advice

Dear VCE 'Encountering Conflict' students,

This is a space for you to practise different forms of writing and responding to set prompts. When you write a piece you will need to indicate whether you are using The Secret River or The Rugmaker to inform your writing. You also need to provide a mini statement of explanation that outlines form, audience, purpose and context.

You will also be expected to read each others' work and use the comments feature and DIIGO (a web tool useful for conferencing) to provide feedback to each other. When conferencing you can comment about what is working well in the piece, areas for improvement and how you can see the prompt and nominated text influencing the piece. Due to this you might need to edit a post you have submitted so label each edit as post 1, post 2, etc.


diigo it

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

conflict can reveal unexpected qualities in an individual

*Thornhill, unexpectedly became a different man because he understood the aboriginals better

*disagree with this, thornhill wasn’t very accepting of the aboriginals, and was too caught up in his own self worth to even let his son make friends with the aboriginals. I don’t think it brought out any hidden qualities in thornhill at all. On the other hand, unexpected qualities were brought out in Blackwood because he stuck up for the aboriginal people through thick and thin, and took a lot of criticism and conflict in order to stick up for them.

*In ‘The Line” Weary Dunlop showed bravery against the Japanese people. Weary Dunlop was beaten for over eight hours, and made to kneel on hard rocks. Despite this he still did his best to help people and cure the sick men everyday, and saved the lives of so many people with very limited recourses.

For our writing ideas that would work for this prompt are:

this could make a good part of an explositary essay for this piece:

*In the bushfires that happened at the start of this year in Marysville. Many qualities were brought out of so many people, from helping fighting fires, to donating money and donating clothes and goods etc. One story that I heard recently that happened around the time of the bushfires was probably one of the most amazing things I have heard come from any person. My sisters friend, a volunteer firefighter, Luke, met another fireman in his travels with the bushfires. On there way to fighting a fire they found someones house burning up into flames. They found that there were people inside the house and together they saved the whole family from dying in the fire. When they got back from fighting the fires, the fire fighters realised that his house was burnt down, and his whole family was inside that house. He thought to himself that if he knew he could have tried to save his own family. Luke, my sisters friend, also a photographer took pictures of the fires and the guy that lost his family, and wrote a short story about him, and entered it in a competition. He won a $1200 holiday, and gave it to the man that lost his family. That man then went to Germany to see other family members. I think that was a beautiful thing to do, and clearly brings out qualities in human beings.

*With the tsunami in Samoa, many people donated lots of money and time to help get the country up and running again.

*World vision and other non-government organisations provide lots of help to third world countries to try and improve the health status of the popultion. they are doing there best to provide them with sanitation, food and immunisations, they are also trying to build schools and things to improve illiteracy in many countries. although this is not the result of a conflict, it could help prevent internal conflict and lots of pain and suffering due to bad ill health and disability adjusted life years. This may also prevent conflict within the family.

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